Years 1 - 6
Winter Uniform
Children may wear either:
A white shirt with a school tie
A navy jumper or cardigan
Grey regular trousers (not slim fit) with grey socks
Navy blue skirt/pinafore with white socks or navy tights
All children must wear sensible black shoes (no boots)
Summer Uniform
Children may wear either:
School polo shirt
A navy jumper or cardigan
Grey regular trousers (not slim fit) with grey socks or shorts with grey socks
Mid blue and white Gingham summer dress with white socks or tights
All children must wear sensible black shoes (no boots)
Outdoor wear
A navy blue coat
School woolly hat and scarf
School summer hat
Reception and Year 1: A school book-bag
Year 3 to 6: A school backpack
PE kit
Navy blue shorts
Navy blue school t-shirt with logo
Navy blue tracksuit/jogging bottoms
Navy Blue tracksuit/jogging top
Winter Uniform
Children may wear either:
A white polo shirt
School sweatshirt
Grey regular trousers (not slim fit) with grey socks
Navy blue skirt/pinafore with white socks or navy tights
All children must wear sensible black shoes (no boots)
Summer Uniform
Children may wear either:
A white polo shirt
School sweatshirt
Grey regular trousers (not slim fit) or shorts with grey socks
Mid blue and white Gingham summer dress with white socks or tights.
All children must wear black shoes (no boots)
Outdoor wear
A navy blue coat
School woolly hat and scarf,
School summer hat
Reception and Year 1: A school book-bag
Year 3 to 6: A school backpack
PE kit
Navy blue shorts
Navy Blue school t-shirt with logo
Navy blue tracksuit/jogging bottoms
Navy Blue tracksuit/jogging top
Our main uniform supplier is Marks and Spencer. Our uniform shop can be accessed by clicking here.
All uniform must be clearly, and permanently, marked with the child’s name.
On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. This includes any form of wristband. Medical identification bracelets may be worn by children who have significant medical problems e.g. diabetes or epilepsy. Watches may also be worn.
Haircuts and other fashion items
The school does not permit children to have ‘extreme’ haircuts that could serve as a distraction to other children. This includes tramlines; patterns shaved into the hair or dyed, tipped or dipped hair. Long hair (shoulder length or longer) should be tied back for safety reasons. Children may not wear make-up, nail varnish or tattoos.
We require all children to wear black shoes as stated in the uniform list. Trainers are not permitted except for PE.
Useful documents: