Relationship and Sex Education
RSE is taught as part of a broad and balanced curriculum that is rooted in the Catholic Church’s (Appendix 1). teaching about what it means to be ‘truly human in Christ’ (CES, 2019). At OLQH we aim to equip children with clear, accurate and sound knowledge related to relationship and sex education. The emphasis is placed on the formation of loving, respectful relationships with family and friends as well as with oneself. This is consistent with the Church’s view that the purpose of RSE is to secure, “ adequate knowledge of the nature and importance of sexuality and of the harmonious and integral development of the person towards psychological maturity, with full spiritual maturity in view, to which all believers are called.” (The Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education, 1983, Paragraph 34) With this in mind, the intent of RSE at OLQH is based on the premise that our bodies are deserving of love and respect. Saint John Paul II said, “The body-in fact, only the body - is capable of making visible what is invisible, the spiritual and the divine.”
Through RSE, we aim to teach children the importance of respect for their own bodies and for those of others. Through carefully designed and age appropriate lessons children will feel confident to ask questions that will ultimately help them to know themselves better. RSE at OLQH also aims to allow children to explore and reflect on the idea that we are made in God’s image. As part of RSE, they will also gain a deeper understanding of their relationship with God and that we are most in His image and likeness when we are in loving relationships. RSE must cover a wide range of topics relevant to the lives and experiences of young people. Children are encouraged to be curious and ask questions about the topics covered within lessons. These lessons are taught within a wider holistic view of the human person, one whose deepest identity is rooted in God. We also recognise that parents are the first and foremost educators of their children and they play a vital role in nurturing their children. RSE is a co-operative endeavour between parents and the school. We aim to work in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that the teaching complements and does not replace the primary role of parents in relationship and sex education.
RSE must deliver clear and accurate information and at OLQH, we strive to ensure that children have access to age appropriate information in a sensitive manner. At OLQH, we are committed to the development of ‘character’. This includes helping them to be more resilient, to be courageous and kind in their actions while also understanding the importance of honesty. RSE at OLQH is an education in conscience. It is important that children develop an understanding of God’s will and how this relates in the day-to-day decisions of life. Ultimately, we aim to equip children with the knowledge, guidance and independence, which allows them to distinguish between what hinders and helps them.
RSE has a vital role to play in teaching children about their place within the wider world. As a school, we strongly believe in fostering relationships with local and global charities and it is important for children to develop an understanding of how their actions affects others.
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