Our Lady Queen Of Heaven Catholic Primary School

Mission Statement




At Our Lady Queen of Heaven, we live out our core values of love, respect and responsibility as we journey together with Christ, guided by the gentle hand of Mary.

Our mission is to create a supportive environment that promotes these values, encouraging us to do our best, and inspire a commitment to Catholic faith and service.




The following definitions and summaries of the thinking behind the Mission Statement and are intended to be read alongside the statement.



A - Mission - Help build Kingdom of God

  • We are a school community within the community of the Roman Catholic Church.  The church has the mission of helping to build God’s Kingdom.  We play our part in this by being a community of education. 

B - Broad Education – Fulfill potential of all

  • We understand education to involve all the broad dimensions of human potential – academic, spiritual, social, physical and emotional potential and through the provision of a broad and balanced curriculum to recognise and to celebrate each person’s uniqueness.

C - Gospel Values

  • In our school community we seek to live the Gospel Values  - Faith, Hope, Love, Justice, Service, Forgiveness, Witness, Respect etc. – all of which we understand as part of living like Christ in loving relationships with each other.

D - Religious Education and Prayer Life and Liturgies

  • As a Catholic school we seek to form our pupils in Catholic faith through Religious Education, the general life of the school, the prayer life and liturgies of the community and service and witness. We aim to make prayer, worship and liturgy a living experience for every member of the community.

E - Community – Home School Parish – Local and Wider

  • As a part of the Catholic community we seek to encourage good relationships between Home, School & Parish and with the wider local and world community.