On entry to school, parents will be asked to complete a health questionnaire for their child. If you have concerns about your child's health or would like advice about issues such as sleep, immunisation etc, an appointment can be made with the school nursing service via the school office.
Permission will be sought from parents before any health checks such as hearing, height and weight are carried out.
If children have sickness and/or diarrhoea, please keep them at home until 48 hours after the symptoms cease. Children who are ill or who have had an accident in school will be seen by members of staff who are trained first aiders. If it is thought that a child needs medical help or is unfit to be in school, parents are notified immediately.
If your child is prescribed antibiotics by the Doctor, please ask for the dosage to be two or three times daily. This means your child can take their medicine at home around the school day. For ongoing conditions such as asthma, children should have their inhalers in school and will be supervised to take their medication. If your child requires medication, this should be brought to the school office and a medical form should be completed. If your child has any allergies, please ensure you inform the school.
Parents are asked to supply the school with an up to date home address and telephone number, work/mobile number and also an alternative emergency contact.
Medicines summary sheet for parents: